I'm not against men wearing skirts, if done properly. I admit that there is something appealing about a hunky Scotsman in full regalia, but that is a far cry from the skirt-wearing men of Silicon Valley.
Take, for instance, the man in this picture, taken in the wild today on a trip to Whole Foods:

He is wearing a wrinkly skirt with a sweaty Indiana Jones hat, a Hawaiian shirt, black socks, and brown sandals. He is shopping for oral hygiene products. And that woman is making the same look of awe and trepidation that I was probably making as I snuck the picture.
Why, California? Why?
in a small Breton village there is a man who steps out clad in a flowing bright orange skirt and a fetching farmer's sweater, socks and boots...
no-one seems to notice his odd attire
or perhaps. like everything else in rural France, it is considered his business
but I used to see him and wonder...
I think this outfit of that man is quite well matched. I see a lot of men in skirts but only some knows how to match the clothes well together.
kilts are comfortable, and people in california are braindead, it's a perfect match really
Before judging walk the walk! Try on a short skirt instead of shorts on a hot say and see what the fuss is all about like I did. Clearly a skirt makes more sense for the male anatomy than for a female and top clothing designers say there are no reasons for men not to wear skirts. Men have worn skirts far longer than women throughout time.
A kilt IS a skirt by definition (any dictionary) so call it what it is.. a skirt. In my opinion a perfect skirt a guy can wear for most outdoor situations is a "Cargo Mini Skirt" ...lots of pockets, plain, belt loops, non girlie and twill, denim and other heavy materials are available...perfect. It's not just California that has open minds but Washington has www.utilikilts.com that sells several million dollars worth of "skirts" to American men each year but womens skirts work equaly as well for men as there is nothing specific about a skirt for one sex or the other...anyone can wear them. Example: http://www.picturetrail.com/sfx/album/view/22064674 Note these guys look like men just as women in pants still look like women. They are obviously NOT cross dressing trying to look like women. The time has come to breakout of men's boring boring wardrobe of the last 150+ years...
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